
Orange Belt

Technique                 Attack
mace of aggression lapel grab two hand, pulling
triggered salute push front, right direct 
attacking mace punch right cross
thrusting salute kick right front thrusting
breaking the sword hand hold right to right
striking serpent's head bear hug front, arms free
circling wing choke rear two hand
grip of death head lock left side
evading the storm club overhead downward strike
knee of vengeance lapel grab two hand, pushing
glancing salute push right, cross
kenpo shield punch right step through
buckling branch kick left front thrusting
scraping hoof full nelson rear hold
thrusting prongs bear hug front, arms pinned
fang of the cobra choke front two hand
locking horns head lock front
obstructing the storm club overhead downward strike
repeating mace push right middle, centerline
the sickle punch right cross

Set                        Forms
Coordination Set 1 Gom Gong Kuen, Long Form 1