
3rd Black Belt

Technique                   Attack
menacing grab colar grab rear, right direct, pulling
streaching the bow punch right step through
kung fu cross punch left step through
glancing wing punch right uppercut
rolling the bar arm bar right arm
lever of Ming comb attack right-left punch
circles of glass comb attack left-right punch
cobra & the mongoose knife centerline thrust, low
falling blades knife centerline thrust, high
crossing darts pistol front, high
the scorpion lapel grab two hand, pushing
absorbing the ram tackle tackled
slicing dragon punch right step through
leveling the clouds punch left step through
corkscrew punch right side, right step through
sticks of satin club inward downward diagonal strike
locking the gate knife centerline thrust, low
circling serpent punch right step through
double spear punch left step through
escape from darkness knife rear, centerline thrust

Sets                                      Form
Two Man Set 2, Nunchaku Set Long Form 8 (sai pair)
Extensions of all techniques 3rd brown-1st brown belt
*minimum required: two years as 2nd Black Belt*